Want to start your own business, be your own boss but don’t know where to start? Awanachi has got you covered. Here are a few tips that will definitely get you going.

  1. Focus on leads, not sales.

Kick start your business idea with content marketing, paired with optimized website forms

  1. Don’t sell products, provide solutions.

Aim at finding a particular type of business product that will solve a problem.

  1. Always optimize your pricing

Do not over or under price your product.

  1. Stay open longer

This will help you monitor your customers and identify your busiest working period if your business idea is running a store of any kind.

  1. Don’t make customers dig for your number

Giver your customers options, some customers prefer to contact you by phone number and not email.

  1. Give something for nothing.

This guarantees that your customers will return, they might even bring a friend.

  1. Support your local community

Whatever you choose to do to support your community, make sure it authentically fits with your brand offering and business journey

  1. Use social media

Social media is a great medium through which to build a solid relationship with customers. So, develop a tone of voice that aligns well with your brand identity, seek to inform, help, entertain and amuse.

  1. Be humble

Try to be humble and always strive to improve yourself and your business. Seek inspiration from other entrepreneurs

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